Generative AI Strategy
I had a lot of fun preparing the talk: “Leadership needs us to do generative AI. What do we do?” for Fully Connected. The idea for the talk came from many conversations I’ve had recently with friends who need to figure out their generative AI strategy, but aren’t sure what exactly to do.
This talk is a simple framework to explore what to do with generative AI. Many ideas are still being fleshed out. I hope to convert this into a proper post when I have more time. In the meantime, I’d love to hear from your experience through this process.
I couldn’t figure out how to make the slides centered on the page. You might want to download the slides.
Thanks everyone who responded to my post and shared your thoughts on what I should include in the talk. Thanks Kyle Gallatin, Goku Mohandas, Han-chung Lee, and Jamie de Guerre for thoughtful feedback on the talk.